Buenos Aires - Inventory for Accessories, Installations and Furniture.

Advice for Buying, Selling, Renting, and Letting in Buenos Aires | Investment Property | Contracts | Curiousities | Affiliates

Annex Number: ....., of the Rental Contract dating from ..... between..... and..... . Inventory and appraisal for accessories, installations, furniture, works of fine art, and other things that are included in the property located in......

Detail according to location:

Living Room: ....., Dining Room: ....., Guests Lavatory: ....., Rooms: ....., Distribution Hallway:....., Main Suite: ....., Bed Room: ....., Bed Room: ....., Bathroom: ....., Kitchen: ....., Service Room: .....,Service Bathroom: ....., Balcony: ....., Roof Terrace: ....., Garage: ....., Attic: ....., Storage Room: .....

  • a) Carpets or tapestries ..........,
  • b) Accessories: ..........,
  • c) Detachable Installations: ..........,
  • d) Furniture: ..........,
  • e) Works of Fine Arte: ..........,
  • f) Clothing: ..........,
  • g) Equipment: ..........,

In witness whereof, the parties have entered into the present agreement in ..... originals. In the city of Buenos Aires, area of ....., Province of Buenos Aires on day ....., of the month ....., of the year.

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