Buenos Aires - Rental Contract Vacancy Agreement

Advice for Buying, Selling, Renting, and Letting in Buenos Aires | Investment Property | Contracts | Curiousities | Affiliates

The following Rental Contract Vacancy Agreement is signed between Mr. ....., of nationality ....., being..... of marital status, who proves his identity with Identity Card Number: ..... with residence at ....., in the area of ....., Province of Buenos Aires, and Mr. ....., of nationality ....., being ..... of marital status, who proves his identity with Identity Card Number: ....., with residence at ....., in the area of ....., Province of Buenos Aires. This agreement is subject to the following terms and conditions:

FIRST: Mr. ..... occupies the property located in ..... as the ..... . Mr. ..... is the ..... of said property. The parties are discussing the stay of the first.

SECOND: Between the two persons mentioned above, there is a guarantor, who signs this document as well.

THIRD: It is established that Mr. ..... will vacate the property described. If not, he/she will have to pat the amount of $..... to Mr. ..... . It can be demanded for the payment to be done executively with out any prejudice to the eviction or its consequences.

FOURTH: Both parties have the right to ask for a confirmation of the present agreement, and ask for as much conservatory measures in order to have the real estate contract fulfilled.

FIFTH: In regard to the existence of other occupants other than Mr. ....., it is hereby stated and agreed:

SIXTH: In regard to the economic relation between the parties, it is hereby stated and agreed:

SEVENTH: In regards to the condition of the property and its eventual restitution, it is hereby stated and agreed:

EIGTH: In what regards to services, taxes and other costs, the current state of bills and what should be fulfilled by the end of this agreement, it is hereby stated:

Any notification that might arise from the present agreement will be received by the parties in the following addresses..............................Both parties will resolved any problems that require litigation, on the court located in ....., giving up any other that might correspond them.

In witness whereof, the parties have entered into the present agreement in two originals.

On the day ..... of the month ..... of the year ....., in the city of Buenos Aires.

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