Buenos Aires - Rental Contract Termination

Advice for Buying, Selling, Renting, and Letting in Buenos Aires | Investment Property | Contracts | Curiousities | Affiliates

The following terms and conditions are established between Mr. ....., with Identity Card Number: ....., domiciled on the street ....., on the area ....., on the Province of Buenos Aires from now on referred to as THE LANDLORD and Mr. ....., with Identity Card Number: ....., domiciled on the street ....., on the area ....., on the Province of Buenos Aires, from now on referred to as THE TENANT. These terms and conditions are related to the Rental Contract signed on the day ....., of the month ....., of the year..... . The property in subject is located on the street....., on the area of ....., on the Province of Buenos Aires.

FIRST: Because of the expiring of the term agreed to, both parties cancel the Rental Contract that this document refers to. No longer having effect the relation that was established between the two parties when said real estate contract was signed.

SECOND: On this act, THE TENANT receives from THE LANDLORD the amount of $....., proceeding from the Warranty Deposit mentioned in the clause "....." of the Rental Contract being used as reference. This document serves as receipt and legal acquaintance.

THIRD: It is hereby stated that all of the rent has been paid. The parties have nothing to demand from each other.

In witness whereof, the parties have entered into the present agreement in three originals.

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