Buenos Aires - Gratuitous Bailment Agreement for Real State Property

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The following Gratuitous Bailment Agreement is established between Mr. ..... with Identity Card Number: ..... with residence at ..... and Mr. ..... with Identity Card Number ..... with residence at ..... hereinafter referred to as BAILOR and BAILEE respectively. This real estate contract is subject to the following terms and conditions :

FIRST: The BAILOR loans to the BAILEE his/her property, designated as the functional unit..... on the floor ..... of the building located in the city of Buenos Aires, in the area of ....., Province of Buenos Aires hereinafter referred to as THE LOANED UNIT. THE LOANED UNIT will be handed over in perfect state of conservation. The BAILEE must return the property and everything in it in the same state it was given to him/her initially, except for the deterioration caused by proper regular use and time. If any damage was to be done or anything lost, the BAILEE must take care of all the costs. In any case if once THE LOANED UNIT is returned and repairs that take longer than..... days have to take place, the BAILEE will have to pay the BAILOR the amount of $.....(Pesos) for each day passing with out the repairs being completed.

SECOND: Legally THE LOANED UNIT can only be used by the BAILEE and the following people..... . The BAILEE has prohibited doing any kind of transaction with THE LOANED UNIT, being permanent or temporary, partial or total, gratuitous or onerous.

THIRD: The total term for this Gratuitous Bailment Agreement will be of..... months, beginning on ..... and concluding the day..... of the month ..... of the year ..... . The BAILOR has no obligation to notify the BAILEE when this real estate contract expires.

FOURTH: When the term for this real estate contract expires, the BAILEE has the obligation of returning THE LOANED UNIT. The BAILEE will pay $..... (Pesos) to the BAILOR for each day he/she continues to occupy the property after the expiring date.

FIFTH: The BAILEE will be in charge of paying the following services: ..... . The BAILLE must give to the BAILOR all the receipts from all the services he/she is supposed to take care of.

SIXTH: The BAILEE is forced to comply with the Regulations of Co-ownership and Administration and the regulations for the building. The BAILLE declares knowledge of these regulations, he also declares to have visited the building and THE LOANED UNIT and agreeing with the services offered by the building and the perfect state of THE LOANED UNITE.

SEVENTH: The BAILEE is prohibited to perform any kind of remodeling on the property. If he/she was to do it anyway, the BIALOR will be entitled to demand for a demolition and a restoration or everything to its original state. If the BAILOR decides to keep the property with its improvements, he/she will not have to pay for them.

EIGTH: All notifications regarding this real estate contract will be sent to the following addresses:

  • a) The BAILOR .....

NINTH: Both parties will resolved any problems that require litigation, on the court located in ....., giving up any other that might concern them.

TENTH: In witness whereof, the parties have entered into the present agreement in two originals, one given to the BAILOR and the other kept by the BAILEE.

On the City of Buenos Aires, on the date ..... .

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