Buenos Aires - Acceptance Agreement for Real State Property, House or Villa, with special clauses for the payment in foreign currency

Advice for Buying, Selling, Renting, and Letting in Buenos Aires | Investment Property | Contracts | Curiousities | Affiliates

Under the conditions stipulated by the clauses in this Acceptance Agreement and the two parts accepting them, the following obligation are agreed on to:

FIRST: Mr. ....., of nationality ....., being..... of marital status, who proves his identity with Identity Card Number: ....., with residence at ....., in the area of ....., Province of Buenos Aires, which from now on will be referred to as: "THE SELLING PART", sells to Mr. ..... , of nationality ....., being..... of marital status, who proves his identity with Identity Card Number: ..... with residence at ....., in the area of ....., Province of Buenos Aires, which from now on will be referred to as: "THE BUYING PART". The last one will buy a property consisting of a terrain with everything that is built on it, on the street: ....., Number: ....., between the streets..... and ....., on the area of ....., Province of Buenos Aires, CADASTRAL NOMENCLATURE: Boundary: ....., Section: ....., Block: ....., Plot: ..... . All of that according to its respective deed extended by the Legal Agreement number: ....., dating from Month: ....., Day: ....., Year: ....., on the area of ....., Province of Buenos Aires, authorized by the Public Lawyer entitled of the Registry number: ....., of the area ....., Province of Buenos Aires, which then was added to the folder..... of said registry and was registered on the "Registry of Real Estate Properties" on Month: ....., Day: ....., Year: ..... .

SECOND: This transaction will be done according to the total and agreed price of U$S ..... (US DOLLAR BILLS) to be paid in the following way:
THE SELLING PART will receive from THE BUYING PART, the amount of U$S ..... (US DOLLAR BILLS) as an Initiation for the Execution of the real estate contract, being this one a good enough receipt and legal acquaintance. The BUYING PART will be giving to the SELLING PART the rest of the payment on the Month: ....., Day: ....., Year: ....., at the .....Hs. On the office of the designated Lawyer. On that act THE SELLING PART will be giving the respective deed to the property. In the very moment that the above mentioned transaction takes place, THE BUYING PART will take definite possession of the property that the real estate contract alludes to.

THIRD: The property should be given away completely empty, meaning without any tenants, intruders or any other kind of occupants.

FOURTH: The transaction is done with perfect deeds, without any restrictions such as them being used as part of payment. The property should be handed over without any kind of debts. THE SELLING PART has to keep paying taxes and other costs until the day the transaction is completed.

FIFTH: THE BUYING PART declares to be in possession of enough US Dollar Bills to satisfy the amount asked by THE SELLING PART. The declaration has character of affidavit . THE BUYING PART commits itself to keep that amount till the day the deed to the property is given to him/her, in exchange for said amount.

SIXTH:The two parts must agree on the automatic arrear for each of the obligations presented on the real estate contract. Any of those arrears will take place when any of the given obligations are unable to be fulfilled on their respective deadlines. Arrears should not be dealt with in court or outside of it, sticking to everything established in the Article 509 of the Civil Code. It is recommended to apply for enforcement in the case the deadline for a payment is not complied with.

SEVENTH: The two parts agree on leaving the following Rescission Agreement established: In the case it was THE SELLING PART the one unable to follow its obligations, THE BUYING PART will be able to do one of the following: Claim for the real estate contract to be complied with, or he/she will be able to ask for a full refund of all the payments done up until the breach of real estate contract plus some more as means of compensations. In case THE BUYING PART breaches the real estate contract, THE SELLING PART will be able to do the following: Claim for the real estate contract to be complied with, or keep all the sums of money given by THE BUYING PART as means of compensation. In the case THE BUYING PART would try to make its payments in another currency other than the established by the real estate contract, THE BUYING PART will be in a breach of real estate contract and will be in the position of having everything established on this Rescission Agreement applied on him. This will not need any court interventions to take place.

EIGHTH: The parts voluntarily agree that for any situation regarding this real estate contract, that may arise between the two, they will take care of them under the jurisdiction of the "Tribunales ordinarios de Justicia del Departamento Judicial" of: ..... giving up any other jurisdiction that might correspond to them. Any iteration in said jurisdiction will be taken as valid for anything regarding this Acceptance Agreement.

NINTH: The two parts agree on leaving the following Rescission Agreement established: In the case THE BUYING PART is unable to pay in US Dollars and has proper justification for not being able too, he/she will be able to pay that same amount in Pesos with the current exchange rate of the cities of New York, Zurich, Amsterdam or Montevideo, or any other city chosen by THE SELLING PART. The exchange rate should be according to the one shown on the newspaper LA NACION or AMBITO FINANCIERO a day prior to the payment. The newspaper to take as reference is to be chosen by THE SELLINH PART. The above mentioned Rescission Agreement will only take place if THE SELLING PART wants to. THE SELLING PART reserves its right to ask for the amount to be paid in US Dollars, seeing as how THE BUYING PART declared that it had the amount asked for, in the "FIFTH" clause.

TENTH: The property being object of this Acceptance Agreement has to be handed over with the following phone number: ..... . Costs involving the line transfer are to be paid by THE BUYING PART.

ELEVENTH: The deed will be given before the Lawyer ....., in charge of the of the Registry of Public Contracts number: ....., with offices on the street ....., on the area of ....., Province of Buenos Aires. Charges produced by the deed will be on account of the parts involved on this real estate contract, according to the ratio established by the law.

TWELFTH: This Acceptance Agreement is signed having on sight the following documents: a certificate indicating the current estate of the property to be sold/purchased and another specifying the current personal details of people that are currently in possession of the property. Issued with Number: ..... on the date: ..... and Number: ..... on the date: ....., respectively.

THIRTEENTH: Present on this agreement is the spouse of THE SELLING PART ....., of nationality ....., proving his/her identity with Identity Card Number: ....., having the same address as his/her spouse, as established on the Article 1277 of Civil Code. The spouse approves the present real estate contract.

FOURTEENTH:The present operation is carried out with the intervention of Public Auctioneer Mr. ....., professional Registry Number: ..... with office on the street: ....., Number: ....., area of ....., jurisdiction of the province of Buenos Aires.

In witness whereof, the parties have entered into the present agreement in three originals, on the area of ....., Province of Buenos Aires, on the date ..... .

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