Apartment Holiday Rental - Formosa at 100, Playa Grande - ARS 300 / Day - 2 main rooms

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ARS 300 / Day
Property Type
Main Rooms
2 main rooms
Playa Grande
Formosa 100 (Alem), Playa Grande, Mar Del Plata, Buenos Aires.

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Property ID
# 31329
Date Available
Sep 24, 2008
Last Advert Update
Oct 10, 2009


- and beautiful apartment in the best area. 3 blocks from beach and half a block from big business of German. capacity for 4 personas.2 main rooms, wood floors, bathroom complete with bath, kitchen and TV. the bedroom overlooks the golf courses. for rent in the summer and during the year on long weekends and Easter.

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    Living Room



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Mariana, Owner

Member since: Sep 24, 2008
Owner in Playa Grande

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